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(508) 478 0723
Milford, MA

Untreated Hearing Loss Can Lead to Safety Risks

Untreated hearing loss can give rise to a number of problems, including depression and anxiety. The first step to addressing those concerns is as simple as taking a hearing test. Reduced hearing loss means reduced sensory input, or the feeling that the walls are closing in on a person. This leads to symptoms that can […]

Bone Disease Medication May Help Reverse Hearing Loss

Preliminary findings from Harvard Medical School researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear may pave the way for trials to test bone density medications for hearing loss. Hearing loss caused by damaged nerves, whether from sound exposure or aging, is irreversible. There are currently no medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat […]

Research Shows Eyes Can be Used to Evaluate Hearing

University of Oregon neuroscientists have shown that a person’s hearing can be assessed by measuring dilation of the pupils in eyes, a method that is as sensitive as traditional methods of testing hearing. The approach is being developed as a potential way to test hearing in babies, young adults with developmental disabilities and adults suffering […]

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Hearing Survey

Take our online hearing health survey and start your journey to better hearing!

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Hearing Aid Guide

We help you make an informed decision on the purchase of your next hearing aid!

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